Forest at Clemmons Educational State Forest
Insects on Flower at Holmes Educational State Forest
Woodpecker Perched in Tall Pine at Jordan Lake Educational State Forest
Children learn about Wildlife at Mountain Island Educational State Forest
Turnbull Creek Educational State Forest
Oak Exhibit at Tuttle Educational State Forest
View from overlook at Holmes Educational State Forest

North Carolina Educational State Forests

Longleaf Pine illustration with NCFS Shield


Summer 2024: Turnbull Creek Educational State Forest Newsletter

Holmes Educational State Forest reopens forestry center following renovations

Winter 2024: Holmes Educational State Forest The Talking Forest Newsletter

The North Carolina Forest Service operates a system of seven Educational State Forests (ESFs) designed to teach the public - especially school children - about the forest environment.

Each forest features self-guided trails that include exhibits, tree identification signs, a forest education center and a talking tree trail. Specially trained rangers are available to conduct classes for school and other youth groups. Teachers or group leaders choose from a selection of 30-minute programs that cover all aspects of the forest environment - from soil, water and wildlife to timber and forest management.

North Carolina's Educational State Forests offer a variety of classes compatible with teaching objectives listed in the N.C. Department of Education science curriculum.


State Forest Rules (PDF)

  Fees and Permits

How are state forests different from state parks?